Hexlant is
a leader in the blockchain
the forefront

We are creating
an ecosystem with blockchain technology

Our Customers

고객사 로고

Series A

투자 유치 정보

Cumulative Revenue

$8M+We prove consistent growth since 2016.

Domestic Market Share

50%Octet firmly supports our customers’ business growth, boasting a remarkable 50% share in the domestic virtual asset market.

Hexlant Team: Towards One Goal,
United in Success

하나의 목표를 위해 달려가는 헥슬란트팀


Our vision is to create innovative blockchain services, foster partnerships with suppliers to build a thriving ecosystem, and deliver expert business consulting focused on cutting-edge technologies.

Security Solution

Our dedicated focus on security drives us to develop advanced solutions, ensuring transparency in virtual asset trading, and elevating information protection to meet global standards for providing reliable services.


We constantly embracing the changes in the Web3.0 world and providing assistance to our clients aspiring for blockchain business with the best possible products.


We aim to make it easy and convenient for everyone to use virtual assets with the O-HI wallet and enable users to access all digital assets with just one wallet.


Collaborating with blockchain developers, we offer development infrastructure and provide educational support, making it easy for them to venture into the blockchain domain and grow together.

Customer Support

We actively listen to the market's feedback, continuously improving our products, and closely monitoring trends through various channels.

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